Please have a look a look at our video tour of the school to get to know our lovely school: Video Tour of New Cangle
If you would like a tour in person, please contact the school office on 01440 702143 to arrange a suitable time.
Please note that if you are seeking a place for you child to go into our Reception class, you must apply for a place even if your child is in our catchment.
As a local authority funded school we are governed by the Suffolk County Council Admissions Procedures, which can be found at:
Applications for admission to all year groups, including in-year admissions need to be via Suffolk County Council's Admissions Team. This link also provides details of catchment areas, FAQs and advice.
A list of which addresses are in our catchment area can be found here:
The Admissions Team for Suffolk County Council can be also contacted on:
Admissions Team, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2BX
Phone: 0345 600 0981 (local rate)
New intake for September 2025 must apply before 15th January 2025
All new entrants who have been offered a place at our school will also need to complete the following documents and return them to the school before admission:
Permission letter - photos and videos
Permission letter - local visits
Reception Eligibility for Free School Meals